
Phil’s Corner is a special monthly column from OAMIC’s President & CEO Phil Fraim.

I started to write something regarding a different subject matter, but during this year when it seems like COVID-19 and many things have made it a difficult and trying time, it hit me how grateful I am for many things. With all the adversity and uncertainty, that may seem like an unusual attitude, even bordering on Pollyanna-ish. Yet, if we can step back and remember the Pilgrims, who after that first winter when they had more graves than houses, they still paused to give thanks. Someone once said that a grateful heart is like a magnet sweeping over the day, collecting reasons for gratitude.

I find a lot to be thankful for in our OAMIC world. Indulge me to mention just a few. First, I am thankful for our OAMIC insureds who have met the challenges of finding ways to provide legal services with as much efficiency as possible during times when courthouses were closed, in-person meetings were impossible and when getting paid for their work was less than certain. You inspired us to find ways to support you in your efforts. Your support to OAMIC over the years, and especially during these times, has been evident and we continue to look for ways to advocate for you and defend your interests and reputations.

There is no way I can demonstrate or even communicate the commitment and the engagement of the OAMIC board members, always supporting operational efforts and helping us strive for success. They have greatly helped by being forward thinking, always desirous for the Company to push for enhancements and improvements that make our policyholders’ experience even better.

The relationship with the OBA is an important one. I am thankful for the leadership team at the OBA and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that OAMIC has been able to support many of the association’s efforts, collaborating on projects that benefit our insureds and other members of the Oklahoma legal community. We have supported endeavors like Lawyers Helping Lawyers, YLD, Solo & Small Firm Conference, Women in Law, Annual Meeting and educational programs. OAMIC was created by members of the OBA and our efforts in these regards give back to the group that was bold enough to create a company owned by Oklahoma lawyers, for the benefit of Oklahoma lawyers.

Lastly, it is humbling to lead a team as talented as the one at OAMIC. I sit in a couple of positions (secretary of the National Association of Bar-Related Insurance Companies and a board member of National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies) which give me the ability to view other companies and their staffs from a distance. I can assure you our team is as talented and experienced as most any, even those who are much larger.

Only a humble heart is grateful, and I recognize there are things we can do better. I am confident we will because we are working toward delivering a greater degree of excellence to you – our insureds. As Thanksgiving and the rest of our winter holidays rapidly approach, I wish you and yours the very best. As always, please let us know if you need us.


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